Skin Imperfections Treatment
Minor skin imperfections can be treated by non-invasive procedure, and in minutes at TEAL, Ottawa. The results are instant and amazing, and cost less than a laser treatment!
Skin imperfection treatment at TEAL are conducted using ThermoLO system, which releases high frequency electrical current to dehydrate the top layer of the particular skin condition in order to allow new, healthy skin to grow. Unlike laser or intense pulsed light therapy, which can penetrate both the epidermis and the dermis (the outer and inner layers), sometimes leading to temporary or even permanent skin damage, ThermoLO (TM) works on the epidermis only. It can be applied precisely to the area to be treated, or, in other words, “treats the weeds and leaves the grass alone”.
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15 minutes
1 skin tag or any other skin imperfection treatment:


Skin Tags
These small skin growths are quite common, popping up on any part of the body, moreso in areas where there is light friction, such as on the eyelids, under the armpits, and on the neck. Skin tags are benign, and have the appearance of small pieces of soft, hanging skin.

Sun spots are known as age spots or liver spots, and are flat with smooth borders and evenly coloured. They are caused by exposure to natural and artificial (e.g. tanning booths) ultraviolet (UV) light. Skin cells react to the UV light by producing increased amounts of pigment known as melanin. Sun spots turn up in areas that receive the most sun: your face, neck, hands, arms and shoulders. Sun spots tend to be found in adults over 40, as they are caused by chronic sun exposure, but it is possible to also see them in younger individuals.

Milia (Whiteheads)
A milium is a small, raised bump on the skin that is a type of tiny skin cyst filled with a protein called keratin. Pearly-white or yellowish in colour, milia often occur around the cheeks, nose, eyes and eyelids, forehead and chest.

Spider veins
These red lesions near the surface of the skin are caused by the dilation of small blood vessels. They can develop anywhere on the body, but are commonly seen on the face around the nose, cheeks, and chin. They can also develop on the legs, the upper thigh, below the knee, and around the ankles.

Cherry angiomas
Cherry angiomas are made up of clusters of capillaries at the surface of the skin and range in colour from bright red to purple. When they first develop, angiomas may be almost flat, appearing as small red dots. However, they then usually grow to about one or two millimeters across, and sometimes to a centimeter or more in diameter. As they grow larger, they tend to thicken, and may become raised and rounded in a dome-like shape.
Click here view variety of recent skin imperfection treatments and their outcome
Cholesterol Deposits
These appear as yellow-ish raised soft bumps which are fairly common on the eyelids, and elsewhere on the face. They are the result of high blood fat levels.
Actinic Keratosis
These dry, scaly, rough-textured patches appear on the skin after years of exposure to ultraviolet light, such as sunlight. These lesions range from skin-toned to reddish brown in colour, and from the size of a pinhead to larger than a quarter.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia
These benign bumps on the skin form over time because of over-productive oil glands caused by damage. The glands can become enlarged and clogged in a very specific manner, with a soft or firm white or yellowish outer rim with a depressed centre.